A new, DNA-based technology

When you are pregnant, your blood contains fragments of your baby’s DNA.

Harmony Prenatal Test is a new type of test that analyzes DNA in a sample of your blood to evaluate the risk of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), trisomy 18, trisomy 13 and, optionally, sex chromosome aneuploidies, fetal gender and, for an added cost, analysis of the likelihood for the micro deletion 22q11.2.

Learn more about the Harmony test

kub test

As early as 10 weeks

Harmony Prenatal Test requires a single blood draw. It can be done as early as 10 weeks or later in pregnancy.

Ultrasound should be performed before drawing the blood sample. In part to determine the pregnancy week and in part to see the number of fetuses. There are som advantages to do the ultrasound in week 12 when the babies development and organs are more easily determined.

Learn more about Harmony technology
kub test

A more accurate test

The Harmony Prenatal Test is a screening test that is more accurate than traditional combined serum and nuchal translucency (FTS = KUB).1 The Harmony test is much less likely to give a false-positive result compared to traditional tests such as the first trimester screening test.1 That means there will be much less chance your doctor would recommend follow-up diagnostic testing, such as amniocentesis.2

Harmony tests for certain genetic conditions, trisomy 21 (Downs syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edward syndrome) and trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome).

In addition, with Harmony you have the option to evaluate fetal sex, X and Y sex chromosomes.

Analysis of  analysis of the likelihood for the micro deletion 22q11.2 can be done at an added cost.

Non-invasive prenatal testing based on cell-free DNA analysis is not considered diagnostic. Once you have your Harmony test results, you can discuss your pregnancy care with your healthcare provider.

Learn more about how to get the Harmony test

Harmony Nipt test
  1. Norton et al. N Engl J Med. 2015 Apr 23;372(17):1589-97
  2. Wax et al. J Clin Ultrasound 2015 Jan; 43(1):1-6.